Friday, October 24, 2014

Feelig God's Presence

Hot tears fell down on my cheeks witnessing a thin, mentally challenged man carrying his daughter, upon passing by a father holding the hands of his precious daughter, afraid of the idea that the child might let go of his own strong hands.
                I decided to walk bending my neck in order to avoid happy scenario which could bring a total destruction of my emotions and make a sudden twist if my joyous mood.
                Why do these incidents affect me? Because I grew up without a father I long for. This thought is killing me, how can life be so unfair. Why am I succumbed with unbearable pains and problems? Am I not worthy to live a happy life? These questions keep hunting my mind, running to and fro, unknowing how to stop.
                Gladly, I passed by at the shore, after few seconds of over thinking, I decided to stop by and with all my might, I shouted loudly facing the ocean to relieve myself from all pains and I lose control. I wept, cried and my body shivered. I don’t want to live anymore, I whispered.
                Then, suddenly, I felt a cold breeze, my heart beat faster when I saw a shining yellow bottle-like thing. I heard a little voice from deep within asking me to get it.
                As I picked it, I felt strange. I saw a note attached at it which says, “all things has a purpose, do not feel betrayed, you can always count on me. People come and go for a purpose. I am your father.”
                I was not able to move an inch, I felt scared but at the same time happy. I realized that life is not about comparing and that whatever may happen, there’s someone I can call my father, someone I can count on, my comforter, my friend, my dad – God.

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